
(Purgation thearpy)

Most commonly employed Sodhana Therapy is Virechana. In this process, elimination of vitiated ‘pittadi dosha’ is done through administration of therapeutic purgatives in pittakala. It has got a lot of therapeutic benefits in disorders of GI Tract, Musculoskeletal Spectrum, Neurological disorders, etc.

What is the Virechana method?

Also known as the purgation process, the Virechana treatment focuses on the torso region of our body. Virechana helps our body eliminate toxic doshas with laxative oils and drugs. Virechana is used to treat diseases arising out of pitta doshas, like diabetes, chronic skin disease, migraine, and colitis.

What is the importance of Virechana?

Virechana Karma is the second procedure in the sequence of Panchakarma that is best to pacify the Pitta dosha and moderately the Kapha dosha. This therapy is also useful in the condition where Pitta is associated with Vata or Kapha3.

Is Virechana good for health?

It improves the condition of skin disorders like rashes and allergy. It helps in treating diseases like constipation, piles, acidity, ulcers, liver, jaundice, inflammation. Cleanses body from poisoning. Relieves from headache, anemia, pain in the large intestine.

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