
(Emesis therapy)

In Emesis Therapy, vomitting is induced by oral administration of medicaments. Done early morning, especially for vitiated Kapha, Vamanam is effective in Bronchial Asthma, Psoriasis, Schizophrenia, Drug Addiction, Allergic Conditions, Epilepsy, PCOS, etc.

What is Vamana therapy?

Vamana procedure is indicated for the expulsion of Kapha Dosha. Kapha Dosha is aggravated in Vasant Rutu; hence, Vamana is indicated in spring season approximately in the month of March and April.

What are the benefits of Vamanam?

Vaman dhauti helps to increase the efficiency of the abdominal muscle. As we consume large amount of water it stretches the stomach muscles and the gastric folds (mucous membrane folds in stomach) become straight and stretched. It helps to remove excess mucus and acid secretion.

What happens after Vamana treatment?

Purpose of Vamana Treatment

But if it has increased to a large extent and if it has moved from its natural place to other places, then it needs to be expelled out of the body. By expelling it out, the disease gets cured, often completely.

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