

Swedana is done to liquefy the vitiated dosas which are spread throughout the body. Swedana relieves Stiffness, Heaviness and Coldness of the body.

What is the concept of Swedana?

Swedana, or Sudation Therapy, involves inducing sweat in the patient. It channels amam, or pent-up toxins inside the body, to places from where they can be easily ejected by the system during Pradhanakarma.

What is Swedan in Ayurveda?

Swedana (body heating) is a treatment modality common to Ayurvedic clinical practice. Practiced either as a preparatory component to Panchakarma (five detoxification procedures) or as an independent intervention, Swedana is praised for its relaxing and detoxifying effects all through the classical Ayurvedic texts.

What is the sweda treatment?

Swedana (body heating) is a treatment modality common to Ayurvedic clinical practice. Practiced either as a preparatory component to Panchakarma (five detoxification procedures) or as an independent intervention, Swedana is praised for its relaxing and detoxifying effects all through the classical Ayurvedic texts.

What is the benefit of Swedan in Ayurveda?

Swedana helps in detoxification and reestablishing the balance between Vata, Pitta, and Kapha in the body. The sweat glands are one of the sources that eliminate toxins from the body.

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