Shashtika Pinda Swedam (Sudation with Medicated Rice)

Serving both, as curative and rejuvenating, this can be considered one of the finest therapies which invigorates the body issues. Effective in diseases of the Nervous System, Spinal Cord and Muscle Degeneration, Cerebral Palsy, Emaciation, Chronic Rheumatism etc.

What is Shastika Shali Pinda Sweda?

Navarakizhi or Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda is a form of sweat inducing massage treatment. It is used to improve muscle strength, rejuvenate and re-energize body. Here, milk and rice are mainly used. Milk is a well known nutrient to us, so is rice.

Pinda sweda refers to the sudation performed by bolus of drugs. Shashtika pinda sweda is performed in ekanga or sarvanga with the bolus of boiled Shashtika shali with Balamoola kwatha and ksheera. The main properties of Shashtika are snigdha, guru, sthira, sheeta and tridoshaghna.

What is Shastika Shali Pinda Sweda used for?

Navarakizhi or Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda is a form of sweat inducing massage treatment. It is used to improve muscle strength, rejuvenate and re-energize body. Here, milk and rice are mainly used. Milk is a well known nutrient to us, so is rice.

What are the benefits of Pinda Sweda?

Benefits of Pinda Sweda include improved circulation, lymphatic drainage, joint health, relaxed muscles, enhanced injury recovery, and complete relaxation. Many of these beautiful Ayurvedic treatments result in improved sleep, which is a cornerstone to overall health. Pinda Sweda is no exception.

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